List of Figures

  1. Flow chart of the JOYCE3.0 program.
  2. UA model of the n-butane molecule. The number of interaction sites is reduced to four, which are completely described by six natural internal coordinates.
  3. 6 natural IC for n-butane molecule: three bond lengths (R$ _{12}$, R$ _{23}$ and R$ _{34}$), two bond angles ( $ \theta _{123}$ and $ \theta _{123}$) and the torsional dihedral ( $ \delta _{1234}$) are evidenced by red, orange and blue lines, respectively.
  4. Torsional energy profile for the n-butane molecule.
  5. Torsional energy profile and 1-4 internal distance as a function of torsional dihedral $ \delta $ for the n-butane molecule.
  6. Some soft IC characterizing the PMME-H molecule.